Thursday, June 21, 2007

Power of Visualization ...

(Modified from an article I stumbled upon while browsing ... worth a read !!!)

So how many of u all known defeats??? ... Are afraid of many circumstances ... shy and ignorant..... tired and lazy... Do you have any idea who created all these... You ...

The mind reflects when light is incident upon it... good thought, good reflection; bad thought, equally strong bad reflection ...

People who have known success in their lives have adopted this simple yet powerful method.
The only thing is to practice it ...

The process of visualization

Visualize what U want in your life...the dreams U want to accomplish ... and essentially to live happily ...

First u need to relax your mind and let go of all worries... then take few deep breaths by which u will automatically be relaxed... then visualize as if it (your dream) is happening in reality at this very moment...

For eg. Imagine U are standing before a huge audience and giving a powerful speech, by which the people are cheering u every moment ... Imagine U have become a leader, a kind and generous person ... Imagine all good and be amazed by the result ... Be it in any aspect of your life, try to apply this and be free of worries ...try this for a while and u shall definitely notice the +ve effect it has on U.

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