Sunday, August 12, 2007

"Living on the edge"

'Living on the Edge'

My 2nd creation using MS Paint ... drew this in a couple of mins while on the phone ...


Madhava Prakash said...

Clap Clap Calp !!!!!!!
This is rally creative, a modren art.

An elephant balencing on a swriling ball, to help a tiny mouse.

It is believed elephant are afraid of mouse in african mythlogy.

Per Hindu Myth, its a vahana of lord Ganesha. It means even though Lord Ganesha is huge, he needs a tiny mouse to move around. in the similar way even thouh we have huge problems we will be able to handle it.

Anonymous said...

I must congratulate u first on this remarkable creation…’s truly amazing!!! …The title is also so very apt!

Just love that way this elephant is balancing itself on two legs on a globe & on the other end trying to balance a mouse……

This picture helps us to draw a distinction with our existence also in a similar approach ……this is closely how our lives are at times…when we cope with too many things & finally emerge successful in whatever we do…or how we prioritize & balance relationships among the universe of relationships that we hold!

Kudos to u…..

Anonymous said...

The key to life is balance! :)